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Health Innovation by the Sea
American College of Healthcare Trustees presents:
Innovation Conference at
Asilomar Conference Grounds
November 7 - 11, 2018
Pacific Grove, CA
Featured Speakers

Richard Satava
Professor Emeritus of Surgery, University of Washington

Dr. Milton Chen
Co-Founder & CEO, VSee

Irma Rastegayeva,
Innovation Catalyst & Co-Founder, eViRa Health

Tom Muha, PhD
Founder & Director, The PROPEL Institute

Dr. Josh Luke
Futurist & Founder, Health-Wealth

Thomas Moliterno
Interim Dean, Isenberg School of Management, UMass Amherst

Timothy S. Novak, DBA, MSA
Dean, LECOM School of Health Services Administration
Plus many more speakers to learn from and network with!
4 nights in "Refuge by the Sea", all meals are included
Program includes unique daily afternoon breaks, facilitated "Jeffersonian Dinners" and evening firepit discussions

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