500K followers, 30M+ organic audience reach on LinkedIn & Twitter
DigitalHealth, Wearables, AI, Patient Experience, Telehealth, IoT, 5G, HealthTech, VR & more

We are technical experts with accomplished careers in sales, alliances, business development, software engineering, technical consulting and product development. We combined our complementary skills and passions for social media, health technology and patient experience to launch eViRa Health in 2017.
Boston-based and globally connected B2B health and technology experts, we are a trusted social media partner to clients across the health tech landscape. Whether it’s enabling startups to get discovered and introduced to potential partners and investors, guiding companies to expand their thought leadership, or helping leading brands to grow massive online audiences and deepen user engagement, we are here to serve the global health tech community.
We have a direct social media reach of more than 500,000 followers. We are proud of the deep engagement and shares we receive across our multiple Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram channels, with an organic audience well in excess of 30 Million.
Further, we've partnered with major health tech and life science thought leaders and global digital influencers to establish a Global Influencer Network, with an additional 1.5M direct social media followers. Through this Network, we provide further unique amplification of reach and engagement for our clients. Meet our founders and the evergrowing team of collaborators in the eViRa Health Global Influencer Network.
Imagine your brand getting a significant Share of Voice on #CES, #HIMSS or #HLTH hashtags!
TO OUR 500,000
Ask us about our Client Case Studies!

Collaborating with Evan and Irma has been instrumental in our success, reaching new audiences and building relationships on and offline.
The influence online is not limited to a single topic, nor gauged by a single measure.

For additional details and examples, visit our INDUSTRY RECOGNITION page.

Establish or increase you brand visibility on Social Media
Ensure you have Share of Voice across Social Media that elevates your market position and Thought Leadership
Meet potential clients, partners, collaborators and investors
Engage with influencers, thought leaders, journalists and analysts
Build relationships and shape conversations with key industry leaders
Drive relevant traffic to your website/landing page(s) and maximize opportunities to engage and convert
Increase the ROI of your sponsorships/participation in (now all-virtual) events, driving (now all-digital) foot traffic and amplifying your message
Tap into the powerful communities and voices of patients, patient advocates, providers, payers and other decision makers across Social Media landscape

Evan Kirstel
Chief Digital Evangelist
eViRa Health Co-Founder
For Evan Kirstel, Social Business has been a healthy “obsession” for years. He has massively grown his personal social networks, while helping dozens of clients grow from zero to tens of thousands of engaged followers. Evan has 337K followers on Twitter, 54K connections/followers on LinkedIn and 70K followers on Instagram, growing by thousands monthly. His connections are a "Who's Who" of the B2B Enterprise, IoT, Cloud, and HealthTech. Evan was named the 5th most influential B2B marketeer in the US. He is a HIMSS Social Media Ambassador.
Evan combines 20+ years of sales, alliances, and biz dev experience with deep knowledge of social, mobile, IoT, cloud, security, and voice/video/web collaboration, offering a unique perspective on market convergence dynamics. His career includes roles with Philips, Intel, Siemens, and Oracle. He is a founder of EvanKirstel.com and KirstelReport.com.
As a long-time expert and thought leader in the Cloud, Security, IoT, Big Data, AI and other technologies, Evan's been following their emergence in the health landscape with great interest. He wanted to bring his technical expertise, industry experience, and social business know-how to help accelerate the growth of the digital health economy.
Evan is an internationally recognized thought leader and influencer in IoT (#1 in 2017), Cloud, Data Security (2016), Health Tech (#9 in 2017), Digital Health (#6 in 2016), B2B Marketing (#5 in 2015), AI, Smart Home, Digital (2017), IIoT (#1 in 2017), Telecom/Wireless/5G, and is in the top 10 most mentioned/re-tweeted by CMOs and CIOs (2016).
Recent thought leadership: HealthTech influencer interview.
Irma Rastegayeva is a Boston-based consultant, storytelling coach and Innovation Catalyst at the intersection of health, technology and humanity. Named in the Top 30 Women in Tech, she is recognized as a top influencer in DigitalHealth, HealthTech, PersonalizedMedicine and IoT. Irma serves on the board of the American College of Healthcare Trustees (ACHT).
Irma’s professional career spans two decades and includes roles as a software engineer in medical software, devices, and life sciences; managing consultant at IBM; and senior engineer, program and technology manager, and technical account manager at Google. Irma left a successful 5-year tenure with Google in 2016 to fully indulge her passion for medical technology and healthcare innovation. She now combines deep technical expertise, product development experience and patient advocacy with storytelling and community engagement at eViRa Health.
Family connection to breast cancer 20+ years ago put Irma on the caregiver's journey and launched her into patient advocacy, helping patients with various medical and mental health conditions. Irma's passion for patient engagement, disease prevention/early diagnosis, and improved healthcare outcomes continues to fuel her.

Irma Rastegayeva
Chief Digital Storyteller
& Innovation Catalyst
eViRa Health Co-Founder
Irma is recognized as a top 10 influencer in major health industry events including ConnectedHealth, HIMSS, xMed, CES, HLTH and InterSystems' GlobalSummit.
Deeply committed to service and lifelong learning, she serves on the board of Ideas in Action and is a co-founder, curator, and program director at TEDxBeaconStreet.
Irma earned Master of Science degree in Systems and Software Engineering from Boston University and Master of Science degree in Engineering Management from Tufts University.
Recent thought leadership:
Digital Health, Health Tech, and AI With Irma Rastegayeva (#AskTheCEO video/podcast series)
The Effect of 5G Technology on the Healthcare Industry
LiveWorx 2018 Overview, IoT Advances and Internet of Medical Things
Detected: How IoT, Cloud, Wearables, and AI show hope in the fight against breast cancer

Daniel Kraft, MD
Chair for Medicine & Neuroscience, Singularity University, Founder & Chair, Exponential Medicine
eViRa Health Global Influencer Network
Daniel Kraft is a Stanford and Harvard trained physician-scientist, inventor and innovator. With over 25 years of experience in clinical practice, biomedical research and healthcare innovation, Kraft has served as Faculty Chair for
Medicine & Neuroscience at Singularity University since SU's inception, and founded and is chair of Exponential Medicine, a program that explores convergent, rapidly developing technologies and their potential in biomedicine and healthcare.
Following undergraduate degrees from Brown University and medical school at Stanford, Daniel was Board Certified in both Internal Medicine & Pediatrics after completing a Harvard residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital & Boston Children's Hospital, and fellowships in hematology, oncology and bone marrow transplantation at Stanford.
He has multiple patents on medical device, digital health, immunology and stem cell related patents through faculty positions with Stanford University School of Medicine and as clinical faculty for the pediatric bone marrow transplantation service at University of California, San Francisco.
Daniel was selected as a fellow of the inaugural 2016 class of the Aspen Institute Health Innovators Fellowship and is a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network.
Daniel's academic research has focused on: stem cell biology and regenerative medicine, stem cell derived immunotherapies for cancer, bioengineering human T-cell differentiation, and humanized animal models. His clinical work has focused on: bone marrow / hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for malignant and non-malignant diseases in adults and children, medical devices to enable stem cell based regenerative medicine, including marrow derived stem cell harvesting, processing and delivery. He also implemented the first text-paging system at Stanford Hospital.
Dr. Kraft recently founded IntelliMedicine, focused on enabling connected, data driven, and integrated personalized medicine. He is also the inventor of the MarrowMiner, an FDA approved device for the minimally invasive harvest of bone marrow, and founded RegenMed Systems, a company developing technologies to enable adult stem cell based regenerative therapies. Daniel is an avid pilot and has served in the Massachusetts and California Air National Guard as an officer and flight surgeon with F-15 & F-16 fighter Squadrons. He has conducted research on aerospace medicine that was published with NASA, with whom he was a finalist for astronaut selection.
Dr. Kraft serves as an adviser to the XPRIZE Foundation (where he conceived of the Tricorder XPRIZE and is a bold innovator for the Cancer XPRIZE). He is an advisor to Qualcomm Life, Rock Health, and several life sciences, biopharma and digital health companies. Daniel is a TED Speaker.
Read more about Daniel and how he is catalyzing the future of health and medicine.

Jim Harris
Disruptive Innovation Thought Leader, Keynote Speaker & Author
eViRa Health Global Influencer Network
Jim Harris is one of North America’s foremost management consultants, public speakers, authors and thinkers on change and leadership. With more than 280K Twitter followers, Jim is also a preeminent Social Media thought leader and influencer.
He has 20 years experience as a professional speaker and consultant, and speaks internationally at more than 40 conferences a year on topics including disruptive innovation, creativity, blockchain, eLearning, creating learning organizations, environmental leadership, strategic planning, and creating common organizational mission and vision. Jim Harris works with leading businesses and Fortune 500 companies. He recently finished a global consulting contract with IBM and a related white paper on how low carbon leadership drives profitability.
Jim's first book, Blindsided! is a #1 international bestseller, having hit the top spot on the Financial Times of London’s European Edition of Best Business Books. He is also the author of The Learning Paradox, which appeared on numerous bestseller lists, and co-author of national bestseller The 100 Best Companies to Work for in Canada.
He is also principal at Strategic Advantage. He previously held positions as partner at Cleantech Group and affiliate at Covey Leadership Centre. In addition to his speaking and consulting engagements and books, Jim Harris writes for a number of publications, including the Globe and Mail, Profit magazine and Backbone magazine.
Jim Harris is the disruptive innovation speaker with great insights on market flash points and what causes them to emerge. Working with companies – from the Fortune 500 to the fastest growing companies, Mr Harris has established a reputation as an international innovation speaker that brings results. His work helps corporate executives and management teams implement and refine their innovation processes to stay ahead of their industry, gain market share and raise profits. Industry expert and renowned speaker, Jim has been helping businesses around the world increase their revenues for more than 20 years.
Listed among TOP 100 Women in VR globally, Dr. Sana Farid is a General Surgeon in Training and a pioneer in XR and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. As a devoted caregiver, she accomplished applying Immersive Technology to improve human life and spearheaded initiating Immersive Technology-based programs for pediatrics, patients with terminal illnesses, special needs, geriatrics, and refugees. These programs have earned proven success for applications such as pain relief and decreased use of strong analgesics, addressing high infant mortality rate in developing countries as well as improving rehabilitation and well-being.
Dr. Sana continues with her contributions to research and building industry standards which won her highly prestigious recognitions and awards regionally and globally, as she educates about successful Implementation Framework of Immersive Technologies, including sensitive issues in innovations such as sanitization.
An ex-Ambassador to Women of Wearables, Dr. Sana is also holding the position of Co-President at the VRAR Association MENA chapter, and have had honorary features in Forbes, Entrepreneurs, Harvard Business Review, Al Arabiya, and MIT Arabia.

Dr. Sana Farid
Immersive Technology Pioneer, Top 100 Women in VR Globally
eViRa Health Global Influencer Network
Recent thought leadership:
Envisaging the Future of Healthtech with Immersive Technologies (MBRU Grand Round, Frontiers of General Surgery Conference, Arab Health)
X-Reality Delivery & Implementation Framework (AWE Core, 24 Hours VR, GITEX, GESS Dubai)
Healthcare Experiences Through the Lens of 5G (GITEX)
Learn more about Dr. Sana Farid, her company and initiatives at Munfarid.org.
Jumpstart your B2B Social Media and Social Selling efforts, generate warm leads, and build a community of engaged followers, relevant to your particular business.
The combination of our extensive social influence, social business know-how, connections in the vast health tech industry, and passion for catalizing innovation could significantly help you drive social visibility and engagement with high value stakeholders, business influencers, customers, analysts, journalists, and more.
Jumpstart or scale your B2B Social Media and Social Selling efforts, generate warm leads, and build a community of engaged followers, relevant to your particular business needs.
B2B Social Media requires patience, commitment, and skill. Working together, we will help you drive thought leadership, meet new prospects and business partners, and build communities faster by adding hundreds new, relevant social media followers each month.
Substaintially increase your social visibility and ensure engagement with high value stakeholders, business influencers, customers, analysts, journalists, and more.
Our differentiation: We are technology experts with deep technical backgrounds, experience in health tech and patient engagement, product development and selling, who are also skilled at social media. We know how to find and relate to the key influencers, work the hashtags, keywords, and themes that will help you align to the appropriate social audience: technical, business, healthcare providers, patients, payers, and more. All while cutting through the noise to make connections, create leads, and position you for success!
Our reach: We have an organic audience reach in the millions. In addition, we've partnered with major HealthTech and Life Science thought leaders and influencers to create a Global Influencer Network. Through this Network, we offer further unique amplification of reach and engagement for our clients. Ask us about the details!

BUILD your thought leadership and a larger community on Twitter and LinkedIn that will translate into leads and increased traffic to your website and other properties.
CURATE highly relevant, targeted content to inform and grow your base of LinkedIn connections and Twitter followers (multiple times per day).
SHARE your content (e.g. news, blog posts, marketing collateral) daily with our personal followers and those of eViRa.
ENGAGE industry and technology journalists, partners, customers, high profile end-users, and analysts with RTs, mentions, and relevant insights around your offer.
CULTIVATE meaningful social RELATIONSHIPS with other thought leaders covering relevant agreed market verticals.
ENHANCE your Competitive Intelligence and generate quality leads, focusing on outbound messaging and RTs.
TWEET with humor and intelligence, via pictures, viral content, and well designed posts.
MEASURE your social business engagement impact monthly (e.g. new relevant followers, likes, mentions, replies).
AMPLIFY your brand message by posting to relevant LinkedIn groups, boards, and meetups.
PROVIDE consistent “follow the sun” global social presence during peak engagement times (e.g. outside US working hours, evenings and weekends in a variety of time zones/geos).
RESEARCH relevant industry events and conferences, and increase your visibility on corresponding hashtags.
ASSIST with analyst relations outreach efforts, to ensure your message is strong and unique.